SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK

This is a followup post related to this issue. I have proposed a solution to this problem in a previous post. In short the solution was to download a certificate file from Mozilla and add this information to $CURL_OPTS array in base_facebook.php file.

Today I have found this blog post suggesting using this certificate file. Either one should work.

The second point I want to make is this. Previously I suggested appending CURLOPT_CAINFO to $CURL_OPTS array in base_facebook.php file. Now I think it will be better if I change the location information from my client code and not touch facebook.php library code. Here is how I did it:

In my client code:

require 'Facebook/src/facebook.php';

$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'some app id', 'secret' => 'some secret', 'cookie' => true, ));


That way you can update facebook sdk library code without worrying that will have to update the certificate file path every time.


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