
Showing posts from December, 2006

Using an XHTML Sitemap to Get a Site Deep-Indexed by Google

Typically, WordPress archive pages (and other CMS archive pages, for that matter) do not contain links to all of your internal pages and available syndication feeds. Chris Pearson reveals how to serve GoogleBot all of your juicy content morsels using XHTML. read more  |  digg story

Jamie Zawinski resignation letter

Check this out. Interesting

HOW TO turn your blog in to an OpenID

Turn your weblog in to an OpenID with just two lines of HTML! read more | digg story

PDF Generation with Apache FOP

I wrote a small PHP class for generation of PDF document using XML,XSL-FO and Apache FOP Generation. Here is a process outline: Install Apache FOP on your server; Edit the relevant path to the executible in the declaration part of the class; Create XML string; Create XSL file to convert the XML string to XSL-FO; Create instance of XMLPDFGeneration class Set debug flag, fo file output directory and pdf file output directory Call XMLPDFExecute() function; You are done - the PDF file is generated; Here is the code: <? class XMLPDFGeneration{ private $fop_command="/usr/local/src/apache_fop/fop-0.20.5/"; private $debug_pdf = TRUE; private $debug_file="/var/www/documents/pdfgen/pdfcall.txt"; private $fo_file_prefix="FO_"; private $fo_output_dir="/tmp"; private $pdf_file_prefix="CA_"; private $pdf_output_dir="/var/www/documents/pdfgen/"; private $error_redirect_uri="http://www.go...

WordPress, OPML and Firefox

Yesterday, wanted to import all my bookmarks to this blog. Under Links management there is an option to import your links but it asks for an OPML file.


Wikipedia undoubtedly is one of the most visited sites on the net.


Antenna House web site has wealth of information about this cool technology

SavaNet™ XBRL® Reader

SavaNet™ XBRL® Reader is a free software application that allows everyone from financial professionals to independent investors to easily access, view, analyze, compare, print, and export financial data.

Zend Framework

Zend came up with their own framework

A List Apart

A web site worth visiting if one is ever involved in web development.


Prototype is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications.

Rico JS Library

Rico is an open-source JavaScript library for creating rich internet applications

Coat of arms of Bulgaria

For more information check out Wickipedia post


PHP Official Site